About IQOU Theological College
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IQOU Theological College revolutionizes the delivery of traditional Islamic knowledge using a dynamic approach which is holistic and progressive. Through an amalgamation of hybrid courses and experiential learning, we ensure that students emerge as well rounded, Islamically grounded, productive members of society, ready to conquer the challenges of an ever-changing world.

Philosophy of Education

The prophetic tradition which teaches that “actions are judged by results,” guides our philosophy of education; knowledge is beneficial when it leads to productive actions, as it is a means to achieving one's goal, not the goal itself.


Knowledge should propel one to reach their highest potential, achieving success in both this life and the Hereafter, and strengthening one’s spiritual, mental, and physical aptitude. 


We pride ourselves in adopting the tradition of the Holy Last Messenger, Peace Be Upon Him (pbuh) which teaches that, “It is incumbent on every man, woman and child to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave,”. The Holy Last Messenger (pbuh) often supplicated:


“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from knowledge which does not benefit, from a heart that does not entertain the fear of Allah, from a soul that is not satisfied and the supplication that is not answered.”


This suggests that knowledge which does not benefit, is of no use. 


He (pbuh) also prayed:


“O Allah, benefit me from that which You taught me, and teach me that which will benefit me, and increase me in knowledge.”


In this prayer, the Holy Last Messenger (pbuh) prays firstly to receive benefit from the knowledge he had already been given, secondly, he prays for acquisition of beneficial knowledge, and lastly, he prays for an increase in such knowledge. This indicates that useful knowledge is superior to a plethora of knowledge which does not bring about benefit for the one who has acquired it or for those around him. It is better to have a humble amount of useful knowledge which brings benefit, than to have an enormous amount of knowledge which is not applied.

Philosophy & Mission


IQOU Theological College aims to revive all aspects of the Noble Traditions of the Holy Last Messenger (pbuh) and rich Islamic Heritage regarding the acquisition of useful knowledge which affects productive actions leading to the achievement of goals that are beneficial in this life and the Hereafter. Centering the student in knowledge of faith and spirituality that results in individuals living dynamic and healthy lives, is at the core of our vision. To achieve this, we approach the acquisition of knowledge using what we call, the IQOU Way.


The acquisition of knowledge can be undertaken by three means:

  • Studying under the tutelage of one who knows

  • Direct acquisition through experience and involvement 

  • Undergoing self-study using thorough research to comprehend and synthesize what is taught by an instructor


The IQOU Way offers a unique and trailblazing approach to acquiring knowledge by combining all three means of knowledge acquisition into a dynamic amalgamation, setting it apart from educational institutions as we know them. 


Our distinctive approach to learning provides a unique environment for our students to excel, which includes:


  • Independent studies

  • Hybrid course delivery

  • Interfaith dialogue opportunities

  • Seminars and workshops

  • Social events for community education

  • Islamic culture immersion

  • Experiential learning

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